Lilies and Manna

Finding Jesus Christ and His parables in everyday life and young motherhood. Feasting upon true manna, Jesus Christ’s doctrine and truths. Member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. This podcast is neither made by, provided, approved, or endorsed by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Any content or opinions expressed, implied, or included in or with the material are solely those of the podcast host and or guests.

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Monday Dec 04, 2023

For my 30th birthday I recorded this special episode where I share 30 things that I know for sure.
It is my hope that those listening will take time to ponder on the things that you know for sure, and that you will share these things with your loved ones.
I know that as we especially focus on daily testifying of the things we know for sure to our children, that one day they will be able to say of us... 'we did not doubt our mothers knew it.'

Wednesday Nov 22, 2023

Do you ever feel that the days and weeks after Thanksgiving fill you with a sense of FOMO?
Whether its a fear of missing out on a certain deal or certain product on Black Friday, do you feel like you have forgotten all that you were just grateful for and are now hyper-focused on all the things that you don't have?
I sure have felt these things, which is why I am so grateful for a certain story from Jesus Christ's life that has helped remind me to instead turn to Christ in continual thanksgiving and ultimately find contentment in Him.
It is my hope that this episode will help other mothers navigate a week that so drastically turns from thanksgiving and gratitude to consumerism and comparison, and that all that listen will feel inspired to be content in Christ.  

Thursday Nov 16, 2023

Shauna, creator of app 'Refill My Soul', joins me in today's manna episode as we talk about ways mothers can find moments of peace and connection with God even during our busy lives and schedules. 
Shauna does a live meditation at the 10 minute mark specifically for mothers and I promise it will be a sacred moment in your day to feel closer to the Savior. 
If you want to feel the Spirit empowering you and comforting you as a mother.. you don't want to miss this episode!
Shauna's meditations she invites you to listen to that you can find on her app 'Refill My Soul":
Intentional Living: End My Day meditation
Fear 3 meditation

Monday Nov 13, 2023

Do you feel in a motherhood or spiritual slump?
Do you feel mentally stuffed but spiritually hungry?
Do you feel easily overstimulated or frustrated with your children?
Do you wish you felt closer to Heavenly Father and the Savior?
In today's episode I talk about where I've been these past couple of weeks, and how where I've been has helped me with each of these things that I had been feeling.
It is my hope that mothers who answered yes to any of these questions can feel motivated to go where I've been, and know how it can truly help drastically deepen their relationship with Him and their families. 

Thursday Oct 26, 2023

In today's episode, Katey and I talk about ways that we strive to fill our lamps 'drop by drop' through our daily actions that ultimately help us strengthen our personal relationships with Jesus Christ.
From daily Book of Mormon reading to the daily wearing of our temple garments, we discuss ways to fill our vessels with converting drops that will truly light our way back to Him in the tumultuous world we live in. 

Thursday Oct 19, 2023

In today's episode, Katey and I feast upon the story of the Ten Virgins and focus on why it is essential to have the oil of personal conversion in our lamps, and how doing so creates a deep and abiding relationship with Jesus Christ. 
Talks Referenced:
"Abide the Day in Christ" by Sister Amy Wright 
"Converted Unto the Lord" by Elder Bednar
"If Ye Had Known Me" by Elder Bednar

Tuesday Oct 10, 2023

Taylor Cutler is the creator and host of Reverently, Quietly podcast and Instagram page, where she provides guided gospel meditations to help those listening take time to ponder and focus on the things that matter most.
You will find the following among many Christ centered topics in today's episode:
*things Jesus said that we as mothers can relate to
*comparing our homes to God's home, the temple, instead of comparing to others' picture perfect homes we see online. 
*importance of feasting on the Gospel of Jesus Christ through study and meditation to help us in the hard moments of motherhood

Friday Oct 06, 2023

In today's episode, we take the everyday 'crumb'y moments that we as parents go through with young children and discuss different ways we can 'think Celestial' as President Nelson counseled in His most recent General Conference address. 
Talks referenced:
"Think Celestial!" -President Russell M. Nelson

Thursday Sep 28, 2023

Today is a special episode leading up to General Conference, focused ultimately on how prophets truly are a type and shadow of Jesus Christ. I am joined by Sara Phelps who runs the Instagram account @Iamsaraphelps, where she testifies boldly of living prophets and of Jesus Christ.
Using Sheri Dew's talk "Prophets Can See Around Corners" as our guide throughout the episode, Sara shares ways we can prioritize the words from General Conference and the words from prophets in our daily lives as mothers. 
Sara's invitation:
D&C 1
Talks referenced:
"Prophets Can See Around Corners" by Sheri Dew
"Stand Forever" by Lawrence E. Corbridge
"Worldwide Devotional for Young Adults with President Nelson"—May 2022
"A Living Prophet for the Latter Days" by Allen D. Haynie
A special thank you to MTC for Kids for the giveaway in today's episode!

Friday Sep 22, 2023

"Abide with us." A simple plea from the disciples on the Road to Emmaus that all of us mothers can learn from as we apply the principle of 'abide' to our daily lives.
Today's episode talks about ways we can recognize moments the Savior abides with us in motherhood, as well as ways that we can abide with our Savior and our children daily.
Invitations this week: 
"Abide in Me, and I in You; Therefore Walk with Me" by David A Bednar 
3 Nephi 17


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