Lilies and Manna

Finding Jesus Christ and His parables in everyday life and young motherhood. Feasting upon true manna, Jesus Christ’s doctrine and truths. Member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. This podcast is neither made by, provided, approved, or endorsed by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Any content or opinions expressed, implied, or included in or with the material are solely those of the podcast host and or guests.

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6 days ago

In today's episode, I share how modesty is a powerful and consistent way to show our love to our Heavenly Father and Savior, to others, and to ourselves. 
A special thank you to the sponsor of today's episode, HALFTEE, a company that helps women dress modestly with their incredibly comfortable and seamless layering shirts. 
As shared at the end of today's episode, you can use the code MADELINE20 to get 20% off your Halftee order and here is the link!
Invitation from today's episode:
Read the talk..
“If the Savior Stood Beside Me, Would I Wear the Things I Wear?”
by Carol F. McConkie

Wednesday Jun 05, 2024

I am so excited to introduce Megan as today's guest on Lilies and Manna podcast.
Megan is the creator of the instagram account In Defense of Family (@defense_of_family), where she fearlessly and boldly defends and declares the doctrine on the family in a world that mocks and disregards these divine truths.
In today's episode you will feel of Megan's dedication to her divine role of motherhood, and ultimately feel of her deep love and commitment to Jesus Christ as we talk about ways to teach our children His eternal doctrine. 

Sunday May 12, 2024

Happy Mother's Day!
In this Mother's Day Manna episode, I use one of my favorite talks to focus on parallels from Christ's life to show how His character can be found in the selfless acts mothers demonstrate in daily motherhood. 
My invitation to all who listen to this episode is to watch this talk and find further connections to motherhood that they can then apply to their life, as well as recognize times that they have demonstrated the character of Christ in selfless service for their children. 
Character of Christ David Bednar MTC version:

Thursday May 09, 2024

In this special Mother's Day episode, we will be drawing upon a story from Jesus Christ's life that connects to times we give selflessly to our children even when we feel we have nothing left to give. We will talk about how it is in these moments we can feel the closest to the Savior in our service to Him through these selfless acts for our children, and times we can feel most strongly the enabling power of His Atonement in motherhood.

Tuesday Apr 09, 2024

It can feel pretty sad and 'crumb'y after General Conference ends.. but in today's episode Seth and I talk about how we can truly keep the same incredible feeling of the Holy Ghost with us as parents in our daily lives.. just as strongly as we felt it this past weekend.
Using the manna of Jesus Christ's words in 3 Nephi, Seth and I find ways that we can feel close to our Savior after General Conference just as the people found ways to still feel close to Him after He left their physical presence. 
We invite all that listen to study 3 Nephi 17-20 to find your own personal ways to feel close to the Savior each and every day moving forward after conference.

Wednesday Apr 03, 2024

Today's episode is all about.. you guessed it.. General Conference!
Seth and I talk all about ways to prepare for this weekend with young children.. which we all know can potentially bring some 'crumb'y moments trying to focus on the messages given while also calming tantrums, entertaining toddlers, cleaning messes.. etc. etc.
However, we have found there can be many ways to prepare ourselves and our children to have a spiritually fulfilling General Conference weekend, not in spite of young children but because of them!
Using Mosiah 2 as our guide, we find ways in which we can prepare to hear the words of the Lord just as the people in the Book of Mormon prepared to hear the words of King Benjamin.
We invite those listening to also open up to Mosiah 2 this week to find personalized ways to make this weekend a sacred and personal experience with Jesus Christ for you as parents as well as for your young children.

Thursday Jan 04, 2024

Today's episode is so impactful and important especially as women and mothers in today's world!
This episode with Amanda includes:
*ways to overcome negative body image, especially in motherhood
*how to avoid comparisons to other women's bodies on social media
*the ultimate purpose of our bodies in His plan
*how Jesus Christ can help us replace negative thoughts about our bodies and rise above the adversary's attacks
*invitations of how to incorporate these truths and tips in daily life

Tuesday Dec 19, 2023

Amanda shares her experiences of traveling the world with her husband and young daughter, while giving multiple tips and insights to help listeners' with their own travel experiences with their children.
This fun episode is something I'm so excited for you all to listen to, especially to hear Amanda share what traveling has taught her about the gospel and motherhood, and ultimately Jesus Christ. 

Monday Dec 04, 2023

For my 30th birthday I recorded this special episode where I share 30 things that I know for sure.
It is my hope that those listening will take time to ponder on the things that you know for sure, and that you will share these things with your loved ones.
I know that as we especially focus on daily testifying of the things we know for sure to our children, that one day they will be able to say of us... 'we did not doubt our mothers knew it.'

Wednesday Nov 22, 2023

Do you ever feel that the days and weeks after Thanksgiving fill you with a sense of FOMO?
Whether its a fear of missing out on a certain deal or certain product on Black Friday, do you feel like you have forgotten all that you were just grateful for and are now hyper-focused on all the things that you don't have?
I sure have felt these things, which is why I am so grateful for a certain story from Jesus Christ's life that has helped remind me to instead turn to Christ in continual thanksgiving and ultimately find contentment in Him.
It is my hope that this episode will help other mothers navigate a week that so drastically turns from thanksgiving and gratitude to consumerism and comparison, and that all that listen will feel inspired to be content in Christ.  


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